Term 2 Week 7 Newsletter 04/06/2021
Principal News
To the Catholic schools, early learning centres and universities of Australia, congratulations on 200 wonderful years of teaching and learning! I’m delighted to join you in celebrating this milestone.
Two hundred years ago, Fr John Therry answered the call to educate the youth of Parramatta. From that small beginning of 31 students began a great work that now spans 1,755 schools, 100,000 staff and 777,000 school students.
From Xavier Catholic College, Wurrumiyanga in our most north; to Sacred Heart Catholic School, Geeveston in our south; to St Mary’s Star of the Sea, Carnarvon in the west; to St Finbarr’s, Byron Bay in the east; and to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Alice Springs in our red centre, Australia’s Catholic Schools cover the breadth of our country.
Over 200 years, your schools, preschools and now universities, have transformed Australia through the millions of lives you have influenced.
I recognise the contribution of Catholic Education to Australian life and I join you in celebrating this anniversary.
On this anniversary, we remember all who have been part of this heritage, including Fr Therry and Australia’s first saint, Mary of the Cross. We recall on this anniversary, the good days and the bad, the successes and disappointments; joys and sufferings; as well as the faith and community that has enabled Catholic Education to make this significant contribution to our national life.
In doing so, we also recognise the clergy, religious, lay men and women, parents and parishes who have contributed so much. I send my best wishes to everyone celebrating this bicentenary.
God bless.
The Hon Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister of Australia
May 2021
Our Lady Help of Christians Feast Day
Last Friday, our School celebrated Our Lady Help of Christians Feast Day with a special liturgy to honour our schools faith and Catholic Education. We are extremely grateful for our school, our staff and our students.
Our liturgy was led by our Year 1 students and some helpful Year 6 leaders that supported them.
Our liturgy celebrated our school’s history and our faith community as we gathered together. This special day honors Mary the Mother of Jesus, our Saviour, who inspires us daily through the Good News to be the living example to those around us.
Written By Carmen G, Marni C, Georgia , G
This week we celebrated the feast of Mary, Our Lady Help of Christians, Patroness of Australia. Even though Mary is the help of all Christians, she is the one whom we turn to for help and protection for our parish school and our nation, Australia. It was beautiful to see our parish school come together to celebrate this special feast day under the guidance of Year 1 and their teachers, Miss Payne and Mrs McCarthy, with the assistance of our Year 6 School Leaders.
Our parish school is truly blessed to have such beautiful students, a dedicated and loving staff and supportive parent and grandparent community.
Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week
Wednesday 27th May marked the commencement of National Reconciliation Week (NRW) in Australia. For Catholics, Reconciliation is a Sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in his love and mercy to offer us forgiveness for the times we have turned away from God. Regardless of how the word is used, at the heart of the matter is that reconciliation can only take place if the cause of a division is addressed, whether it be between communities, a relationship with a friend or family member or our relationship with God.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australian’s as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Jesus taught us the ultimate commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you!”
Dear God,
Give us the courage to accept what has happened in the past so that we may build a better future together, for our nation. Teach us to respect all cultures. Teach us to care for our land and waters. Help us to share justly the resources of this land. Help us to bring about spiritual and social change to improve the quality of life for all groups in our communities, especially the disadvantaged. May your power and love be the foundations on which we build our families, our communities and our nation, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Athletics Training
A big thank you to Mrs Riley and Mr Denny who have been running athletics training sessions on a Wednesday afternoon. With 20-40 students attending each week, this is a wonderful opportunity for our students to refine their technique under the guidance of our sporting specialists. This is a wonderful example of our teaching staff doing whatever it takes to support our children, even when it means giving up their own family time after school for our kids.
Mission News
Making Jesus Real Awards
Nikki Q - For improved focus and stillness during meditation. Keep it up Nikki.
Ezekiel W - For showing the face of Jesus in our classroom by always being encouraging and supportive to his classmates. Thank you Zeek.
Kenzi W - For always being a helpful and friendly classmate. Thank you Kenzi!
Athea B - For your caring personality and willingness to help anyone in need. Thank you, Athea.
Felicity F - For being a kind and thoughtful class member. You brighten our day. Thank you, Flic.
Quintin F - For not giving up and giving things a big go, even when activities seem difficult. Keep it up Quintin!
Kaiden K - For being a fantastic friend to others. Thanks for always trying to include others in your activities.
Marni V - For being a happy, kind and gentle friend to all. Your caring nature is a credit to you!
Cohan D - For working cooperatively with others. It is awesome to see your personality shining through!
Layla W - For looking out for her friends and inviting others to play.
Matilda P - For the enthusiasm and energy you bring to our classroom. Your positive attitude is contagious! Thank you Matilda.
Kallum H - For giving me a true God moment when you brought me a delicious home-made lunch today. Thank you to you and your family. From Miss O’Conner.
Scarlett H - For the generosity and kindness that you show towards your friends.
Year 5 - ‘The Art Matters Visual Arts Enrichment Workshop’ with David Ogg
This week, our Year 5 class were treated to ‘The Art Matters Visual Arts Enrichment Workshop’ with David Ogg. The workshops are aimed to enthuse students and staff, build character, creativity and develop an appreciation of existing art capabilities, as well as to experience Scripture through the Visual Arts. The children had a wonderful day and were very enthusiastic about sharing their experiences! The original artworks they made together are amazing!
Art Workshop Recount
Yesterday was a really exciting day because there was an art teacher, Mr Ogg, who came in and he taught us some art skills. He showed all of us how to do a screen print on a piece of paper.
My favourite part of the day was when we got to cut a piece of screen printed paper and glue it onto a large bit of paper. We got some ink and a skewer. We put the ink on the end of the skewer and then added it on to the piece. It felt calm because he had some music playing and it was so relaxing.
By Noah
ART Workshop Recount
Today was so fun. We looked at hidden pictures in pictures. Our art Teacher's name was Mr Ogg, he was a very talented person and is very creative. We also did screen print to make Jesus walking on water and a painting of a prayer bowl with watercolor pencils. He showed us that every picture has a story and there are many different types of strategies. Also, that you can look at something in a different way. At the end of the day he read a story from the bible and told us that God loves us even if we did something wrong.
By Indie
In the morning session Mr Ogg introduced himself as David or Mr Ogg, he said a prayer and then showed us some photos to see if we could see the 2 different pictures or not.
He then told us some stories about himself and his friends Frank,Jack and Tom (Frank is the best) and some pictures that his son had drawn when he was little. The last drawing had lots more detail,one of the many details were his 4 toes on one foot. He chopped up Mrs Innes' apple and showed us how to show a whole apple in one picture!
Around 10:45 Mr Ogg showed us how to make a silk screen print , he got his design,some paper and squeegee and created the masterpieces!
The second session was even more exciting! We got A3 paper and another sheet of A4 paper that had a seascape on it. We cut out a piece of the A4 paper and glued it on to the A3 paper. We got thick ink to make our seascape disappear. If we didn’t like it we had to approach it from a different way or completely start again. Me and my friends got to make a big watercolour artwork to frame and for the school to keep! Lastly he burnt his Tea bag and it flew up onto the fan!😂😂
He also told us about the Prayer Bowl.
After Recess he got half the class to help him carry all his Art Supplies down to his car. We then watched Mr Ogg's Stories on Youtube.
By Georgie
Parish Mass Times
Learning & Teaching
OLHC Writing Focus
Over the past 18 months, the staff at OLHC have been focusing on improving writing outcomes for our students. We have been working in partnership with Dr Lyn Sharratt to refine our practices to ensure that all students have clarity about what they are learning, why they are learning it and how they can be successful.
One important focus of this work is about teaching students the skills they require to become assessment capable learners. We are doing this through the use of:
- Learning Intentions: Outline what students are learning and why they are learning it.
- Success Criteria: Outline the essential learning that will be assessed in the Learning Intention. They list what students need to know and be able to do to be successful.
- Descriptive Feedback: Feedback to the students from the teacher based on the success criteria.
- Peer and Self-Assessment: Students use the success criteria to identify where they are at in their learning and where to next. Our students use the Bump It Up walls in writing to give self and peer assessment against the success criteria.
- Individual Goal Setting: Students set goals in collaboration with their peers and their teacher based on their next step in learning from the success criteria.
As a result of this work, we are seeing great growth in our students' writing. Our students are building their ability to use the success criteria to reflect on their own and others' writing, identify the next steps to improve and then implement this feedback to bump up their writing. Students are also now working with their teacher and peers to identify individual learning goals that become their focus in the next learning cycle.
Below are some images of the growth that our Year 5 students have had. The photos are in pairs. The first photo is the writing sample at the beginning of the year and the second is the latest piece of writing.
We are really proud of our students and their achievements!
Kinder P
Kinder R
Year 1P
Year 1M
Year 2
Year 3
This fortnight, Year 3 have been working on identifying their learning goals for writing and trying to bump up their writing. In Drama, they are working on readers theatre and are having a great time getting into character.
Year 4
Year 4 worked with feedback buddies this fortnight to identify their own writing goals. The students have been focused on building their understanding of the success criteria in order to improve the quality of the feedback they are giving each other.
Year 5
Year 5 have been focused on composing informative texts about a planet of their choice. They have been using the feedback from their feedback buddies to bump up their writing. They have also created some artworks depicting the solar system.
Year 6
Year 6 have been working on building their comprehension skills in reading. They are focused on making evaluations about what they have read using key words in the text. In writing, they are composing informative texts about a topic of their choice using scaffolds and research.
OLHC Achievement Awards
Reuben T -For improved focus and attention to do his best and complete set tasks neatly and accurately. Great Work Reuben.
Hudson R - For focussed effort in writing to apply all his sound knowledge and 'secrets'. Keep up the great work Hudson.
Nash H - For improved focus and attention to learn his sounds and complete set tasks. I am so proud of you Nash, keep it up.
Darcy S - For his enthusiasm and dedication towards his learning. Thank you for always giving everything a red hot go.
Teilani B - For becoming an more independent writer who confidently attempts the spelling of new and interesting words.
Madeleine F - For always being ready to learn and giving her best to all tasks.You set a great example in our class Maddie, Thank you.
Ivy W - For displaying a growth mindset during addition and subtraction tasks. Well done, Ivy!
Dominic R - For his excellent persuasive story about convincing Aliens to live on Earth. Well done, Dom!
Nash B - For workng hard in Maths and demonstrating a great understanding of 3-digit numbers. Well done, Nash.
Bradley B -For your outstanding effort on all tasks. Great work Bradley.
Abby P - For a fantastic effort when describing the characters and setting in her narrative. Keep up the great work Abs!
Max G - For working hard to create an engaging sizzling start for his narrative. You're a star Max.
Oscar B - For your wonderful focus on learning this week, especially in Science. Well done!
Bly B - For your amazing attitude towards writing! I can't wait to read your finished narrative.
Ava O - For taking more care with the presentation of her work and the extra effort she has put into her writing pieces.
Cooper J - For having a happy, positive attitude and a consistent effort towards all learning tasks.
Tyler B - For focusing on a positive mindset towards learning.
Rose S - For a solid understanding of main idea and topic sentences in reading and writing.
Annabel T - For being creative in how to convey an opinion in writing.
Cooper W - For being a critical thinker when researching information about the solar system. Well done Coop!
Jackson P - For excellent improvement in maths this term. Keep up the great learning Jackson!
Georgia G - For her fantastic curiosity about geological events and their impact on the world
Lilliana R -For working diligently to improve her Mathematics learning and achieve high outcomes
Jamilla C - For working diligently to improve her Mathematics learning and achieve high outcomes
Sports News
Lismore Diocesan Cross Country
Congratulations to Harvey P and Maverick J who represented Richmond Zone at the Diocesan Cross Country Carnival in Grafton on May 26. They both competed in the 11 yrs division, with Harvey placing 4th and Maverick coming in 15th place. Harvey P will now attend the NSWCPS Carnival at Eastern Creek next week. Well done to both these boys.
Athletics Training
Over the past few weeks some students have been attending athletics training sessions after school on Wednesdays. It has been wonderful to see these children so eager to improve their skills. We have offered training in sprints, shot put and long jump, and will continue practicing these events as well as working on 800m and 1500m running.
OLHC Athletics Carnival
Our school Athletics Carnival is scheduled to take place on Friday 18 June at Riverview Park. Notes will be coming home today so please keep an eye out for these, as event nomination forms are due no later than Tuesday 15 June. Parents are welcome to attend, so we look forward to seeing as many families as possible at this whole school event.
School News
Canteen Orders for Friday 18th June 2021
Due to our Athletics Carnival being held on Friday 18th of June, Subway will delivered to Hyde park instead of the school. The only canteen items available on that day will be Subway as we can't have any other items delivered from the canteen. Parents/Guardians please feel free to order for yourselve's also. Please use Flexischools online ordering app to order.
Canteen Volunteers for Week 8, 9 & 10.
Canteen volunteers for Up coming Fridays are
Week 8 - 11th June - No Canteen Pupil free Day
Week 9 - 18th June - No volunteers needed- Athletics carnival.
Week 10 -25th June - Belinda P & Nicola S
Thank you to all our Volunteers, We appreciate all your help.