Term 2 Week 9 Newsletter 18/06/2021
Principal News
Semester One Report Cards
During Week 10, report cards will be sent home for every child in the school. These are important to keep parents informed about the learning that is taking place at school and how each child is progressing through the curriculum.
Reports cover a lot of what we do at school, however, it is not possible to report on all learning that takes place. Children learn so much during a semester that it would take more time to report on the learning than it would to plan the learning experience itself.
Therefore, we report in the main subject areas and the main strands in each subject. Literacy and numeracy are reported on in more detail as these are the subjects to which we devote the most school time.
We are building a strong learning culture here at Our Lady Help of Christians where we view all learning as important whether we report on it or not. Indeed, not all learning can even be assessed and therefore reporting on that makes it even more difficult.
Students are encouraged to develop a love of learning where the experience of discovery is a greater reward than reading a good mark or grade. Of course good marks and grades are important but all learning is important whether it is assessed and reported on or not.
In these last week of school we are still learning and this learning is valuable. What we learn will not appear on the report card but the knowledge and skills gained are equally as important now as at any other point during the year.
Parent Forum Meeting-Tuesday 20th July
I would like to personally invite you to attend our Parent Forum meeting on Tuesday 20th July. The meeting will be held in the school and will commence at 6pm in our meeting room. This is a wonderful way to engage in supporting school initiatives, be part of school decisions and developing a stronger sense of community. I thank you in advance for everything you do to support your child’s education and school improvement and I look forward to seeing you on the 20th July if you can make it. Please find the agenda below.
- Learning Stance/School Improvement- Lyn Sharratt Collaborative. What are we trying to achieve and how does this impact student achievement? Case Management Meetings, Whole School Data Wall and common language in our classrooms.
- Christmas Carnival
- Mini Mack's- 2022 Kinder Families, Welcome Opportunities.
Christmas Carnival-Sunday 28th November
We are confident (with fingers crossed) that we can return to our normal Christmas Carnival this year. Planning has already commenced and we are very excited to ensure that the tradition of the Christmas Carnival continues at OLHC.
Lockdown and Evacuation Drills
As part of our safety program at OLHC, we regularly conduct lockdown and evacuation drills throughout the term. I would like to congratulate students and staff for the way they responded to our lockdown drill last Thursday.
Whilst we hope that we never need to engage in the real event, ensuring that we rehearse our response is a standard approach to keeping the students and staff safe from harm and risk if such a scenario happens at and during school times.
As of today, I am on leave and will be travelling with my family as we depart for a road trip to Uluru. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I agreed to driving an 8000km round trip, however, I am sure that it will be memorable for one reason or another.
In my absence, Mrs Katie Rose and Mrs Kristy Hague will continue to lead the school community and I know that they will have your full support. As you can see from the image, we also have a number of apprentice principals who will also offer their support to Katie and Kristy if needed.
Mission News
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - 11 June 2021
Welcome to the Family, Heidi, Holly, Jemima and Ellanor
On a bright and beautiful Sunday morning, Heidi, Holly, Jemima and Ellanor Ward were Baptised in our Parish church with their family, friends and teachers there to celebrate the very special occassion. The girls treated all of their guests to a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace, bringing many of us to tears! Father Peter welcomed the girls into our Parish community and as that community we pray the girls will grow each day in wisdom, in strength and in their relationship with Jesus. Congratulations girls!
Making Jesus Real Awards
Robbie SA - For Making Jesus Real in our class through the gentle way he interacts with and helps those around him.
Jack C - For showing the face of Jesus by always being a freindly and helpful classmate. Thank you Jack.
Klaire R - For always being kind and caring towards others. You are a blessing to 1M, Klaire!
Noah C - For enthusiastically sharing why it's important to care for God's creations. Thank you, Noah.
Oliver B - For including other students in his games and making sure they're okay. Fantastic Oli!
Charlotte F - For your willingness to help others with their learning tasks and for your consistent spirit of cooperation.
Tessa R - For always having a happy and positive attitude. Your smile lights up our room!
Benjamin B - or going out of his way in the classroom to ensure someone was included. Thank you for showing us the spirit of Jesus, Ben!
Ryley B - For spending quality time with those that need it on the playground.
Learning & Teaching
Term 2 Writing Celebration
This term, all classes across our school have had a focus on improving sentence structure and the correct use of punctuation. Through the use of clear Learning Intentions, Success Criteria, Feedback and Individual Learning Goals, students have been encouraged and supported to take ownership over improving their own writing and applying their feedback. The results of this has been improved writing growth across all classes.
Below are some samples of writing from across all classes. Not every child's writing is here, but this selection celebrates the achievements of our students in writing. I encourage you to ask your child about their writing learning goals and how they have focused on improving their writing.
Congratulations to all of our students on a great term of learning!
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
OLHC Achievement Awards
Cleo F - For working hard to apply her sound knowledge when completing reading and writing tasks. Keep it up Cleo.
Ned M - For being such an enthusiastic code breaker and word detective who seeks out every opportunity to apply his sound knowledge.
Zarli BP - For always being a positive role model for her peers. Your love of learning shines through Zarli. Well done.
Riley M - For working hard to complete all writing tasks and sharing your love of learning. Well Done.
Willow H - For outstanding writing efforts this week. I am so proud of you and your 'never give up' attitude.
Michael W - For the hard work and enthusiasm he puts into counting. You are a number wizard Michael.
Evan S - For using his mathematical mind to solve some challenging number line problems. Well done, Evan!
Isabella F - For her hard work and dedication with her home reading. Well done Isabella, keep up the great work!
Isla L - For always displaying a high level of commitment to your work. You're asuper student Isla.
Isla D - For always being ready to learn and try your best. you're a Super student Isla
Harper S - For always taking on feedback to improve her narrative writing. Keep working hard, Harps!
Ryan B - For attempting more challenging questions in Maths. I love your attitude Ryan!
Wyatt E - For your dedication towards problem solving in maths. Keep using that creative thinking!
Mason B - For your wonderful attitude towards reading! I'm so proud of your efforts, keep it up!
Aleena C- For your enthusiasm towards writing and wanting to work on revising it to further engage your reader.
Matilda J - For making amazing connections in her learning, especially mathematical concepts. Well done, Matilda!
Toby H - For his continuous efforts in ensuring he is striving to do his best work on all tasks! Well done, Tobes!
Milla C - For settling in to OLHC with a great work ethic and positive attitude. We are so lucky to have you!
Rhys M - For perservering with 'Rich tasks' in mathematics. Your efforts are much appreciated.
Claire G - For your enthusiasm, creativity and perseverance in our Science experiment this week.
Isaac S - For always taking on the challenge of problem solving in Mathematics.
Ruby H - For outstanding use of language features in your letter to Mayor. I Love your sense of humour!
Hugh B - For appealing to the emotions of the audience in your opinion writing this week.
Lucy F - For your enthusiasm and perseverance in your construction of your ramp in our science investigation.
Amarli G - For having a more positive attitude towards all learning tasks. Keep up the fabulous learning Amarli!
Noah H - For being a more reflective learner and trying hard to be more settled in class. Keep it up Noah!
Emma C -For her impressive informative text writing where she compared the planets of our Solar System.
Askel L - For his focus when learning about fractions, and for teaching others the necessary steps to solving problems.
McKenzie N - For summarising and explaining a challenging concept in her informative text. "Lightning"!
Sports News
Athletics Carnival
Today we were blessed with perfect weather for our school Athletics Carnival. All students had the opportunity to participate in a range of events, including: sprints, relays, middle distance, long jump and shot put. Our infants students had a great day participating in sprint races, relays, modified athletics events and a variety of other fun activities. Once again it was wonderful to see an abundance of sportsmanship, plenty of smiles and laughter, and students participating to the best of their ability. Thanks to the teachers, parents/guardians and Year 6 students who assisted with a variety of jobs throughout the day. Congratulations to all students.
House Champion: MacKillop
The trophy for House Champion and medallions for Age Champions will be presented at the assembly next week. Students who have been selected to represent OLHC at the Zone Athletics Carnival next term will receive a note next week also.
Netball NSW Schools Cup
On Wednesday 9th June, some Stage 3 students participated in the Netball NSW Schools Cup. Both our Year 5 and Year 6 teams were comprised of boys and girls. They competed against teams from other schools within the region. Some of the competition was tough and the playing conditions even tougher, with the first few games played in the rain and cold. However, this did not stop them from always trying hard and enjoying the day. All the students are to be commended for their efforts, positive attitudes, sportsmanship and exemplary representation of our school. Well done to:
Year 5 Team:
Kalan A, Amber B, Sonny B, Isabella D, Elle F, Matilda P, Harvey P, Georgie W & Cooper W.
Year 6 Team:
Jamilla C, Marni C, Charli G, Milani K, Askel L, Jye L, Myka M, McKenzie N & Brylee W.
Netball NSW Schools Cup
NSWCPS Cross Country Championships
Last Tuesday, 8th June, Harvey P represented the Lismore Diocese at the NSWCPS Cross Country Championships. It was a challenging course around the race track at Eastern Creek. He placed 10th out of 44 competitors in his age group, which is a wonderful achievement at this level of competition. Well done Harvey!
School News
School Show: Didgeribone Wednesday 16th June
On Wednesday 16th June, internationally renowned didgeridoo player, Adrian Fabila Tjupurrula – Tjupurru visited our school to perform for us. Tjupurru is a proud descendant of the Djabera Djabera people of the West Australian Kimberlies. Tjupurru has performed all over the globe, including with Midnight Oil and the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Didjeribone Show fuses Tjupurru’s own personal cultural journey and his musical talents with the latest technology inventions to empower the audience to create and appreciate traditional and modern music.
The “Didjeribone” is an Australian Made instrument which combines elements of the didgeridoo and trombone and is teamed with the “Face Bass” and Looping technology. Tjupurru was an outstanding performer and had our students singing, clapping and laughing at his antics for his hour long performance.
A big thank you to the Abigail P for her generous donation of New Disney books to our library. If you have any books that are in great condition that you would like to donate, please send them in.
OSHC Pupil Free Day
At our pupil free day last Friday 11th of June we had a “Circus” themed day with a special guest named Shorty Brown. Shorty is a children’s entertainer from the Northern Rivers who performed a show entitled Imaginitis which was a performance about discovering and embracing your imagination.
The children also took part in a bubble making display with giant bubbles in our outdoor play area. We had face painting, clown making, a fun photo booth and many more fun activities. The children helped with decorating the room at After School Care to make the day even more special.
Thank you to all of the staff who worked very hard to make the day such a success, and thank you to the families for supporting the service.
From all of the OLHC Out of School Hours Care team.