Term 3 Week 7 Newsletter- 27/08/2021
Principal News
Father’s Day
My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could ever give another person.
He believed in me.
Although we can not celebrate together as a parish school community, we wish all our fathers and father figures a wonderful day on Sunday 5th September and thank you for everything that you do for your children, and the support you give to our school.
Blended Learning
A big thank you to all our amazing parents and carers, for keeping your children engaged in their learning during this difficult time. In the past two weeks we have experienced over 6000 pieces of learning uploaded to Seesaw by our students and over 3000 pieces of feedback given by our teachers. This in itself is phenomenal, however, it doesn't include the hard copy learning that has also been taking place at home.
We often talk about schools and parents/guardians working together in partnership for the education and wellbeing of their children and I am extremely proud of what we are achieving at OLHC. Our parish school community has responded magnificently.
At this stage, we will continue with our Blended Learning until the 10th September as we await further announcements from the NSW Premier and Catholic Schools NSW.
New Building
It has been a long journey however, we are extremely close to seeing the finished product and the completion our new buildings. This will be a wonderful flexible learning space for our children and will provide a brilliant space for many activities including assemblies, performances, gymnastics, robotics, choir, creative arts, Year 6 and kindy buddy activities, Mini Mack's transition, classes coming together for their learning and parent meetings and gatherings just to name a few.
We are expecting works to be completed in the holidays and full use of this area to commence from the start of Term 4.
My New Gallery
Mission News
One of our lockdown challenges this week has been #OLHCROCKS, where students were challenged to decorate rocks and hide them around their local community to spread some love and joy to their neighbours. We received so many images of rocks that were dropped, I am sure there are lots of smiling faces around Lismore! Well done girls and boys!
Learning & Teaching
Home Learning
We would like to congratulate our students on their home learning. Our students have been engaged and have been uploading some quality pieces of work. We encourage our students to continue to focus on their learning, but to also have a bit of fun by completing the challenges their teachers, Mrs Rose and Mrs Hague have been setting.
Our teachers have been working hard to provide feedback to our students and we encourage our students to read or listen to the feedback and challenge themselves to apply this feedback to improve their work.
Keep up the amazing work everyone!
Kinder, Year 1 & Year 2 SeeSaw learning snapshot
Years 3 -6 SeeSaw learning snapshot
Sports News
School News
Fruit and Veg Month Tips for Parents and Families
Scholastic Book Club
If you have ordered books from Book club issue 5 for your child/ren please contact Kim in the office to organise collection.