Term 3 Week 10 Newsletter - 17/09/2021
Principal News
To say that I am extremely proud of our students, teachers and parents is a massive understatement!
The way in which we have come together as a parish school community during these challenging times is a testament to the to the strength of each family, student and staff member in our school. We are all called to serve, to help each other and to reach out in faith and charity.
What we have achieved together during Lockdown and Blended Learning must be acknowledged and celebrated. Not once did we give up, make excuses, say it is too hard or forget why we are all here, for our children.
“The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
We often get caught up in the routine of our daily lives and it can be true that we do not recognise the good times until we are forced to experience difficult ones. I pray that we will we all learn to fully appreciate and be grateful for the many great things we may have taken for granted before lockdown.
I would personally like to thank all of our parent community for the ongoing support of your children, our teachers and myself through this time of great change for us all. I am extremely proud of our entire parish school community for the way in which we have all embraced the challenges we have faced.
I wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday break and I pray that you will find time to do the things that bring you joy and happiness.
We look forward to seeing everyone again in Term 4, for another exciting term of loving, learning and growing at OLHC.
School resumes Tuesday 5th October, 2021.
As a school, it is so rewarding to receive emails, letters or phone calls from parents and guardians to acknowledge and support the dedication and hard work of our staff. I am extremely proud to be part of such an amazing group of people that I have the privilege of working with at OLHC. I can assure you that your children are in extremely capable and loving hands.
“You're amazing! Your level of care for the kids is beyond expectation.”
“You are doing a great job. Every time you comment on Bly’s work it makes her happy. So thank you for being so positive. We really appreciate all your hard work.”
“I have found the schools flexibility and online learning to be absolutely fantastic. We went through the homeschool experience last year in Brisbane and this is by far so much better."
"I appreciate your ability to be flexible, I am allowing the kids to do as much as they can themselves. I think it’s important they feel confident enough to do that.”
“I wanted to thank you for the amazing support and care you give everyone. I appreciate every message and the time and effort you take to continue to support everyone at these times, Malachias lights up with a proud smile everytime he sees that you have commented and even recorded a message. These thoughtful notes have made such an impact on Malachias, thank you for giving him confidence and a moment to be proud of himself. Thank you"
"I just want to take the time to thank you so much for your leadership and support for families at this very difficult time. The teachers have gone above and beyond to keep our kids connected to the school and their learning, so important for the children's, and the parents wellbeing. I feel blessed to have my daughter go to OLHC for this reason. So thank you!"
I am truly blessed as a Principal to have such an amazing staff and supportive parent community.
If we have learnt one thing during these times, it is that as a parish school community,
we are prepared to do whatever it takes for our children.
Making Jesus Real
Wayne Bennett, coach of the South Sydney Rabbitohs, uses MJR in his daily life.
My favourite values and attitudes that Making Jesus Real encourages include:
1. Be determined. If you want something in life you have to make it happen.
2. Take the good with the bad. Life is full of ups and downs and we have to just get on with it.
3. Believe in yourself. A lot of people will doubt you, but you can't doubt yourself.
4. Listening skills. God gave us two ears and one mouth-He wants us to listen more than we speak.
5. Mental toughness. You must be strong with yourself and strive to overcome any obstacles in your way.
6. Self-Discpline is my favourite. You need to make yourself complete things, even when you don't want to.
7. Reflect on your day. Look back on your day and think about the positive things that happened. This was Jesus in your day.
Mission News
Thank you all for the donations that have continued to come in during blended learning for Suitcases of Love. We have had multiple requests to donate items once we are back at school. We will extend Suitcases of Love until Week 3 next term, so you still have time to get the donations in. Your classroom teacher has specific lists for your child's class if you are unsure what to donate.
Can I sincerely thank you all for your generous donations; we know how difficult this lockdown has been on families, but the fact that we are still getting donations and enquiries about donations, shows the generosity, kindness and love of our amazing community here at OLHC!
Blended Learning - Year 1
During Blended Learning, Year 1 looked at the Scripture story of Jesus feeding the 5000 and were asked to respond to the Scripture with art! Well done boys and girls - you are all so creative!
Learning & Teaching
Congratulations on 5 weeks of Learning from home!
Congratulations to all of our students and their families for the work and effort you put into home learning. We are so pleased with how you all took to the challenge!
Kindergarten Learning
Year 1 Learning
Year 2 Learning
Stage 2 and 3 Home Learning
Year 3 Basketball skills and Music
Year 4 Fire Art and Presentations
Year 5 Cup Tower Challenge
Year 6 Bin Ball
Sports News
School News
Thank you to Clancy LP and Charlotte W for the donation of books to our library. If you have any books you would like to donate to the school, please drop them into the Office.