Term 1 Week 2 Newsletter 11/02/2022
Principal News
Welcome Back to School Prayer
As the greatest teacher of all, as learners we ask for support and guidance as we embark on another year of serving you in the love and education of our young people. May the example of your teaching through love and gentleness be the model and motivation for the staff and families of Our Lady Help of Christians who stand together before you. Empower us through your Spirit to: be the example for the students in their care to see you in our world, and to value and respect the dignity of others, themselves and creation.
Fill our hearts with peace and joy, our minds with wisdom, knowledge and understanding and strengthen us in our difficult moments. Help us affirm and support each other as we share our gifts with those we meet, and may we be ever united as a community of believers, continually renewing ourselves in you.
Bless our staff, students and families, so that through the power of your Spirit, we may bear witness to your love.
Welcome t0 2022
Welcome back to the beginning of a new school year. I trust that you all enjoyed a relaxing and enjoyable break with your children and found some downtime to escape the hectic pace of school terms, lunches and washing uniforms.
We have enjoyed an extremely positive start to the school year with students returning happy to see their friends and class teachers and with a clear intent on meeting expectations for their learning and behaviour. We are working incredibly hard to continue improving as a school and it is extremely rewarding to be part of such a vibrant faith learning community. We are truly blessed at OLHC to have such amazing students, parents and staff.
There is always a sense of excitement for our students and their families in the anticipation of returning to school and settling back into daily routines and learning expectations. I thank all parents, guardians and grandparents for assisting the school in ensuring all students made their Mathematics Assessment Interviews. This was a wonderful opportunity to spend quality one to one time with their class teachers, begin developing a positive relationship and demonstrates the emphasis placed on learning at our school. It is also rewarding to see such positive growth in our student learning and confidence.
Whilst we are still under Covid restrictions at this stage, I am hopeful that we will we be able to welcome parents, guardians and grandparents back into the school very soon. We are hopeful that we will be able to hold our information evening in the near future and have parents return to the classrooms to meet with class teachers and be fully invloved in your child's learning and school life.
I am extremely grateful for your continued support during these times and I know that together we will ensure that our children and school continue to thrive.
Welcome Kindergarten
Monday was a very special day for our parish school community. We have enjoyed an extremely positive start to the school year and it was an absolute privilege to welcome our kindy students to and their families to our parish school family.
It was beautiful to see so many new smiles, happy faces and excited students and families walk through the front gate. No tears from any kindy students today (not sure about the parents)
We are truly blessed at OLHC to have such amazing students, parents and staff. Today was a great reminder that it takes a village to raise our children and we are extremely grateful to have such a vibrant, loving and welcoming community
Learning and Communication
Learning and teaching at Our Lady Help of Christians is contemporary, meaningful and driven by the needs of the learner. Staff, students and parents must have high expectations of each other. We need to ensure we are doing the best for each other and most importantly our children. Part of this process involves staying connected with what is happening at school and what your child is learning about.
I encourage you all to regularly engage in a conversation with your child about their learning, read the school newsletter, check the Skoolbag app, Facebook page, stay in communication with your child’s teacher through Seesaw and take advantage of any information night or learning opportunity that is available throughout the year.
Principal Appraisal
During Term 1 on Tuesday 8th March, Michael Piccoli will be involved in a principal appraisal process as part of his contract of employment. The appraisal process seeks information from a variety of people associated with the parish school and uses a number of tools to ensure effective consultation. The process aims to highlight the positive aspects of the leadership offered and identify areas for further development.
A timeline is currently being arranged to suit the needs of the parish school community. The appraisal will be conducted by an External Chair nominated by the Catholic Schools Office.
The full principal appraisal process involves:
- a survey and self-appraisal statement completed by the principal
- an interview with the principal
- input as arranged with the parish priest
- surveys of parents, parish school staff and Catholic Schools Office personnel
- interviews with the Schools Leadership Team
- interviews with a random selection of staff who request an interview with the Chair
- interviews with a random selection of parents who request an interview with the Chair
The preferred method of survey completion is by the online survey form. A link to this form will be forwarded to your email address. Please ensure your current email address is registered at the school as this survey link will be sent to you two weeks prior to the appraisal. Parents may express their interest to be interviewed via this electronic form. Not all those who express an interest to be interviewed will be contacted. If not contacted, then parents may wish to email their comments. Anonymous comments and emails will not be considered.
In writing the appraisal report, use of the information gathered will remain confidential and not identify sources. Every family in the school is encouraged to complete a survey.
Your support of the appraisal process is appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Michael Mullaly
Kindergarten 2023
It is extremely unusual to be talking about enrolment for next year already, however, we will once again have limited places and we already have many online enrolments for our kindergarten class/es for 2023.
We currently have a waiting list for the majority of classes across the school. Due to the demand from prospective families, I am encouraging any new families and current families with siblings entering kindergarten in 2023 to complete the online enrolment form as soon as possible. This can be found at www.lisslism.catholic.edu.au
Interviews for prospective students and families will commence at the end of Term 1 and offers of placement for 2023 will be made early in Term 2. If you know of anyone who might be considering our school, I would be grateful if you could let them know that enrolments are open now and limited places will be available.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns regarding the enrolment process.
Parent Pick Up, Buses and Parking
As we reach the end of our first full week back at school, I would like to ask all parents and grandparents for your support in making our parent pick up, bus zones and parent parking as safe as possible for the benefit of all our school community.
Could I please bring your attention to the follow points and ask for your assistance in supporting me to make this happen. The safety of our students and school community is our highest priority and pick up times, bus zones and car parking areas are always our greatest concerns for student safety.
1. Bus Areas- Can I please ask all families to make sure you are not parking in any bus zones or bus areas. This includes the side of the road outside our parish church car park.
2. Parent Pick Up- A new area just inside the double gates at the front of the school is now designated for parents and grandparents to wait and pick up their children. It is too dangerous to have so many adults and young children congregating at the front of the school, especially at the pedestrian crossing.
3. Car Parking - Could I please encourage all families to park in the Parish Car Park and walk down to the school. Parking along the sides of the road is becoming dangerous and is blocking the view of oncoming traffic. It is also extremely dangerous to see some children getting in and out of the car on the road side during this busy time.
Please don't be offended if teachers do not let your child leave the school grounds if you are sitting in your car waiting. All parents, guardians and grandparents must collect their child from the front gates. I would much rather have a parent cranky with me because they were asked to move their car to a safer place or hop out of their car and walk to the school grounds, instead of a child being injured or killed in an accident that could have been avoided.
Parent Social Media
It is quite common for parents to establish social media groups, class communication platforms and pages to share information or connect with other parents in your child’s class and school community. Please be reminded that it is not permitted to establish a social media presence using the school's name or logo without written permission from the Principal. Any permitted social media pages/groups/accounts must adhere to the schools and the Catholic Schools Office Diocesan Social Media Policies.
If you have such a social media account or you are unsure if it meets the guidelines, please come and see me and I will work with you to ensure everything is okay.
School Uniform
With Covid-19 impacting many supply chains across the country, we are now experiencing issues with the supply of our school uniforms through School Locker. This issue is impacting many schools throughout the area.
During this time, I encourage parents to look at purchasing cheaper white, navy or dark green shirts, navy shorts, skirts or hats from Big W or Kmart if required.
Mission News
Welcome back to school for 2022!
What a wonderful start to our year together! The face of Jesus is shining bright at OLHC - from our Year 6 students caring for their Kindy Buddies; the genuine warmth in the hellos and welcome backs; the pride in keeping our playground clean and the beautiful sharing of a smaller play space because of the rain; the kindness given when a friend hurts themselves; to the wonderful learning and respect being shown in our classrooms. It is a real joy to watch our students interact in such loving and caring ways - just as Jesus would do.
I look forward to accompanying our students on their faith journey this year and supporting them to be just like Jesus - in our school, at home with you, our families and our wider community.
Yours in faith,
Mrs Kristy Hague - AP Mission
Sacramental Program 2022
The Sacrament of Confirmation will occur with Bishop Homeming in our parish church on Wednesday, 16th March 2022. A note will be sent home with students in Year 3 and Year 4 and further details will be provided then. If your child is in another grade, are baptised Catholic and would like to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, please email Mrs Hague (kristy.hague@lism.catholic.edu.au) by Wednesday 16th February to include your child in the preparation program and Sacrament. The preparation program will occur at school. Parents and carers are encouraged to support students to complete the At Home activities as they work through the program. Attendance at weekend Mass throughout the program is also highly recommended to allow the children to experience our Parish community before their Sacrament.
New Class Names
This year we have changed the way we name our classes and in doing so, we have chosen to honour the work of the religious sisters, (The Presentation Sisters and the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart), who supported the students and community of Our Lady Help of Christians from its very beginning in 1917 up until 1998, with the names Lucan and Penola. The infographic below shows the connection to the names for the information of our whole community.
Incitāre is a one-day retreat experience for Year 6 students from Catholic Primary Schools based in regions of the Diocese to celebrate their faith. The retreat is a chance to bring students together to meet like-minded peers and to celebrate with other young people who practice their faith.
The activities will be a mixture of large and small sharing groups as well as celebrating a liturgy together. The program focuses on the needs of the participants. The experience allows attendees to build relationships with other students in their region and invites the participants to talk about and share their faith journey.
What: A Catholic retreat experience for Year 6 students, full of activities.
When: Tuesday, 1st March 2022
Where: Tullera Hall, Tullera
Cost: Nil. All transport and booking expenses met by the Catholic Schools Office.
Meals: Students bring their own.
When discerning the participation in this retreat experience, we will consider the CSO’s recommendations:
- Catholic students and/or;
- Students who are willing to learn more about the Christian faith
A large number of our students have already expressed an interest in this event. We can, however, only offer 5 places. Any student who would like to be considered is asked to complete the Student Application Form provided by Mrs Hague. Nominations should be handed directly to Mrs Hague no later than Friday 18th February.
Making Jesus Real Awards
Archer B - For being such a helpful Classmate.
Jacob P - Always offering your help to those around you and doing so with a beautiful smile.
Willow H - For being a welcoming and kind friend to a new student. Keep shining your light, Willow!
Mia B - For always treating others with respect and showing concern.
Traye L - For settling in so beautifully to OLHC and for being a polite and courteous member of 2P!
Aneeka PB -Welcome to OLHC we are so lucky to have you in our class and we love seeing your smiling face each day.
Malachias C - For being a helpful and kind friend and bringing the face of Jesus into our classroom.
Holly W - For always choosing to use kindness and compassion in the classroom. You are a pleasure to have in year 4.
Claire G - For reflecting the values of our school prayer - Respect and Compassion.
Winter R - For helping a friend in need and showing compassion.
Isabella D - For offering to change teams to help out her friends when playing a class game.
Jed H - For his amazing efforts in helping his buddy settle in and giving him useful advice.
Learning & Teaching
Welcome to 2022!
Congratulations to all of our students who have returned so settled and ready to learn. It has been lovely to see all the smiles and the engagement of our students in the setting up of new classroom routines and expectations.
Over the last two weeks, our teachers have been undertaking assessments including the MAI, spelling, reading and writing tasks to identify where each student is at in their learning and the next steps needed for their growth. At our team meetings, we use this data to ensure we are meeting the needs of all learners.
We are looking forward to another great year of learning and can't wait to share the students’ successes with you. Make sure you connect with your child's class SeeSaw page for regular snapshots of their learning.
Back to school
Kindergarten First Day
OLHC Achievement Awards
Raife M - For a fantastic and settled start to Kindergarten!
Felix K - For a fantastic and settled start to Kindergarten!
Abigail L - For a fantastic and settled start to Kindergarten!
Ramona K - For putting in 110% into every learning task, you have a fantastic work ethic Ramona. Well done!
Ned R - For a great start to the new school year and setting great examples for our year 1 classroom. Well done Ned!
Jethro P - For starting Term 1 with a positive attitude towards his learning. Keep it up, Jethro!
Hudson R - For his outstanding writing piece about the Rainbow Fish. Well done, Hudson!
Lachalan S - For the fantastic descriptive writing in your narrative. Well done Lachlan.
Poppy W - For always being enthusiastic and ready to learn. You're a great role model Poppy.
Campbell H - For thinking of creative and challenging ways to demonstrate learning in Maths, Well done Campbell.
Braith F -Being a critical thinker and creative learner, who enjoys new challenges. You are a super star Braith!
Noah C - For being a motivated and independent student with a great love of learning. Keep on working hard Noah!
Aiden J - For a wonderful start to Year 3, you are becoming such a focused and independent learner. Keep up the great work Aiden.
Harlee C - For making a wonderful start to Year 3 . Harlee, thank you for your beautiful smile and readiness to learn.
Noah S -For being a happy, responsible and positive learner who always tries his best. Noah, thank you for your enthusiasm, dedication and your hard work.
Noah M - For a settled and productive start to the year. Keep up the great work!
Sierra S - For overcoming challenges and writing an excellent descriptive compound sentence. Fantastic Work!
Zoe B - For applying herself in Mathematics and using the most efficient strategies. Keep up the great effort.
Riley C - For a settled start to the year and producing engaging writing. Keep up the great effort.
Lucy F - For always being switched on! Keep up the great work, Lucy.
Levi W - For taking responsibility for his learning and being agreat role model in our class.
Sonny B - For contributing to class discussions with insightful comments that benefit the whole class.
Elle F - For using the non-negotiables to help her edit and write a final copy of her writing piece to a high standard.
Sports News
Zone Swimming Carnival
On Monday, 38 students will represent OLHC at the Richmond Zone Swimming Carnival. We wish all of our students good luck and know they will represent OLHC with great pride, sportsmanship and will give it their best!
Congratulations to the following students:
Year 6 | |
Jed H | Isaac G |
Cooper W | Thomas S |
Maverick J | Isabella D |
Noah H | Georgie W |
Harvey P | Matilda P |
Year 5 | |
Hugh B | Rahni P |
Kobi P | Tully S |
Archer A | Pippa T |
Harlan G | Claire G |
Ryan F | Anneliese F |
Lucy F | |
Year 4 | |
Flynn W | Maia G |
Tyler E | Laini L |
Robbie G | Bailey N |
Year 3 | |
Ryder H | Milani H |
Ethan R | Ryan B |
Max G | Noah M |
Year 2 | |
Alby S | Harriett J |
Braith F | Poppy W |
Piper N-M |
Diocesan Basketball Trials
Well done to Year 6 student, Maverick J on his great performance at the Diocesan Basketball trials. Maverick made the possibles and probables side but unfortunately didn't progress to the next level. Well done, Maverick!
School News
2022 school travel applications are now open
Below is some useful information to assist with student travel enquiries.
Applications for student travel in 2022 opened on Tuesday 12 October 2021.
Students who need a School Opal card or travel pass for 2022 can apply now. A new application will need to be submitted if they are applying for a school travel pass for the first time, or if they are requesting an additional travel entitlement as a result of a new shared parental responsibility situation (e.g. joint custody).
Students who change address, school, campus location, or who have repeated a year or received an expiry notification from Transport for NSW for their school travel entitlement should renew or update their details before the end of term 4. This will ensure that schools can endorse applications and current entitlements are updated and remain valid. School Opal card holders will have the changes applied to their existing card.
If a student’s distance eligibility has changed based on their grade the system will automatically update their entitlement if they meet the new criteria. If they do not meet the new eligibility criteria, they will receive an expiry notification via email.
Students who have an entitlement approved under a medical condition that is due to expire will receive a notification advising them to re-apply.
Term Bus Pass holders will receive a notification to re-apply.
Students in the Opal network applying for an Opal card (including a Term Bus Pass) for the first time will receive their Student Opal card at their nominated postal address. Cards will be mailed out from January 2022.
Students living in rural and regional (R&R) areas should receive their travel pass at the start of the new school year from their nominated transport operator. It may come via the school or be sent directly to them at home. Note: some R&R operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass.
School Student Transport Scheme site change (SSTS)
On 1 October 2021 the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) information and application portal was moved to transportnsw.info.
Access to the School Portal will also be via transportnsw.info. To navigate to the School Portal from the home page click Tickets and Opal, then School students, then scroll down to Information for school staff and select School portal.