Term 1 Week 6 Newsletter 04/03/2021
Principal News
Year 6 Leadership Assembly
2nd Sunday of Lent
Mass last weekend enables us contemplate the scene of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. We need to go up the mountain with Jesus', leaving behind our worries and concerns. On the mountain Jesus appeared to Peter, James and John in all his glory as the Son of God. It was while Peter was praying to his heavenly Father that Jesus was transfigured.
The same can be the case for us. Very real changes can take place when we encounter Jesus through prayer. Jesus' communion with his Father in the prayer of Transfiguration strengthened him to face the cross on which he would die. We too need experiences of tasting heaven on earth in order to face the challenges of the cross in our own life.
During this Season of Lent, we prayer that Jesus will accompany us on our journey to become better people as we try to bring about the Good News to those we encounter each day.
What Matters Most In Learning
This year, we continue our two-year school improvement partnership with world leading educator Lyn Sharratt. This partnership will see our school continue to ensure that there is an unrelenting focus on what matters most: student learning.
Lyn will continue to work with our school as a Critical Friend, guiding, supporting and challenging us to continually improve learning and teaching in every classroom as we keep our students at the heart of everything that we do and the decisions that we make.
At OLHC we believe that:
- All students can achieve high standards given the right amount of time and the right support.
- All teachers can teach to high standards given time and the right assistance.
- High Expectations and early and ongoing intervention are essential.
- All leaders, teachers and students can articulate what we do and why we lead, teach and learn the way we do.
It does not matter which teacher your child has in our school, they will receive the highest quality learning and teaching, the best assessment practices to inform learning and teaching and extra time and support to demonstrate learning and individual growth.
Learning Walks and Talks
Learning Walks and Talks are used in our school through visiting learning spaces in order to gain insight into what students are learning and why.
We ask our students 5 questions -
1. What are you learning and why?
2. How are you doing?
3. How do you know you are doing well?
4. How can you improve? and
5. Where do you go for help?
We will be able to see each student growing in knowledge and engaging with the opportunities provided for them. We look forward to empowering our students by giving them ownership of their own learning process and make ourselves as teachers aware of how explicit our teaching is to our students.
School Fees
Thank you to the families who have attended to their school fees for 2021. Without this support, many of the wonderful learning opportunities and resources we have in our school wouldn't be possible. Please contact the office to pay your school fees or arrange a payment plan to meet this commitment. I encourage any family with concerns regarding school fees to contact me directly to arrange a meeting. We can always work together to achieve a successful outcome.
Parent Pick Up
School drop off and pick can be a very busy time of the school day and at times a little stressful if we are running late, have an appointment or need to get to work on time.
Looking after the safety and wellbeing of our children is the most important responsibility we have as a school, a responsibility that both myself and the staff take very seriously. Together we can ensure that drop off and pick up times remain safe aspects of the school day and therefore I am requesting your support with the following;
- The marked crossing is the only pathway when crossing the road near the school.
- When dropping children off, please make sure they exit the car on the pedestrian side and do not open the car door on the road facing side. This is extremely dangerous with cars and buses constantly moving.
- Please use the parish car park if you are parking and waiting in the school to pick up your children. It becomes very crowded when we all park along the edge of the road and it is hard for passing cars and buses to see everyone, especially young children.
Thank you in advance for your support with this issue. I have no doubt that in supporting each other we are ensuring thta the safest possible pick up and drop off procedures occur.
Mission News
On Tuesday, five of our Year 6 leaders attended the Incitare Retreat at Tullera Hall. The retreat was a chance to bring students from Catholic primary schools in our area together, to meet like-minded peers and to celebrate their faith with other young people. Milani, Myka, Marni, Askel and Ryley learned about having courage to follow Jesus Christ, even when it seems hard!
Our Year 6 students were well supported by students from St John’s College, Woodlawn; including two of our past students, Noah and Lilly. Our students will use their Incitare experience to support retreats and faith-based experiences for all of our boys and girls at school this year!
Keep an eye out in the next newsletter for a wrap up of the day from Askel, Marni, Milani, Myka and Ryley!
Year 5 Liturgy
Yesterday, our Year 5 class and Mrs Innes prepared and celebrated a Liturgy for our whole school. Year 5 lead us in prayer, asking that during this season of Lent, God guides us to become better people; to use our gifts in service of others. They prayed that God may help us to be the hands of Christ, reaching out to others with love and generosity; to be the feet of Christ, acting with welcome and acceptance and to be the heart of Christ, treating others with dignity and respect.
This year we are focused on our students gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of Liturgy that leads to authentic celebrations of our faith and deepening relationships with God for all members of our community. Each class/stage will prepare a liturgy at least twice over this year. We are hopeful, with easing COVID restrictions, that we will be able to welcome our families to celebrate these with us.
Our Year 5 liturgy was recorded and shared with families of the students and below are some images from the celebration. Thank you Year 5 and Mrs Innes for a wonderful liturgical celebration!
MacKillop Youth, our social justice group, had its first meeting of 2021 on Tuesday this week. This year we wanted our students to give us ideas around what MacKillop Youth could do for our school, Parish and wider community. The students did not disappoint!
Some of their ideas included:
- Helping others with jobs
- Posters about recycling
- Getting our own 'Be Kind' movement happening with videos, posters, photos
- Baking stalls to raise money for the poor in Lismore, Project Compassion, Socktober
- Bread Clips for Wheelchairs (thanks to Mrs Toni McAnelly for getting this started)
- Including others - buddy seats
- Gifts for our staff to show we care
- Craft workshops for Mothers' and Fathers' Days
- Sock puppets for Socktober
With wonderful ideas like these, I can't wait to see where our MacKillop Youth group goes this year. Thank you girls and boys!
Also, a huge thank you to Marni C in Year 6 who organised posters and got up and spoke at assembly to invite her peers to the meeting. Thanks for your leadership Marni!
Donate Today
Every year our school supports Caritas Project compassion. For over 50 years, Project Compassion has been raising vital funds to help those facing poverty and injustice in our world. Your donation will help vulnerable families to build brighter futures for themselves. (Every class has a donation box).
This year the school has started to support another charity called Bread Clips for Wheelchairs. The wheelchairs are for the less fortunate people with disabilities in Africa.
So please, bring in your bread clips, and if you have any change to spare, put it in the project compassion box.
Donate today, because at OLHC we strive to help those in need!
By Lilliana.R, Ryley.B, & Harlow.R
Year 5 Religious Education
Year 5 have been learning about Stewardship of Creation in Religious Education. They have been completing some activities on Understanding Faith to unpack what stweardship means to them.
Year 1 Religious Education
Year 1 have been learning about God the creator who is present in all of creation. They have learned that the goodness of creation is a reflection of God’s love and goodness. To compliment this learning 1P have created this beautiful living prayer space!
Kindergarten Religious Education
At the beginning of Kindergarten, the boys and girls begin learning about simple prayer routines with a focus on the Sign of the Cross. Their first learning unit introduces a sacred space and the importance of time to pray. Through the use of the Christ candle, children are introduced to the image of Jesus, as the light of the world. Below are some beautiful artworks created by KR.
Making Jesus Real Awards
Isabella F -For always showing a kind heart through her actions and words. Keep shining your light, Isabella!
Mason E - For always going out of your way to help your classmates and teacher. Thank you, Mason.
Athea B - For going out of your way to help out around the classroom. Thank you, Athea.
Bailey N - For always being willing to help with whatever needs doing to make the class run smoothly.
Matthew N - For being a considerate friend to those who need him.
Toby B - For being a happy and helpful member of 5I. Your smile always brightens our day! Thank you, Toby.
Jamilla C - For always taking the time to praise and encourage her classmates.
Jordan F - For checking on an injured staff member to make sure she was ok!
Learning & Teaching
This fortnight, Year 3 have compeleted their artworks of the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge using paint and wax. They look awesome!
In History, they have been learning about the First Nations people of Australia. The students constructed a timeline to represent how long First Nations people have lived in Australia and how long it has been since European Settlement. The 6th and 7th photos represent the timeline which runs the whole length of their back wall.
Over the last two weeks, Year 4 have been learning a new routine for reading tasks. Students work through a variety of mastery tasks across the week including reading Kids News articles, answering comprehension questions on Read Theory and ASA comprehension sheets, listening to someone else reading a book and summarising the content and guided reading with the teacher. 4B have doen a wonderful job at becoming more independent learners when reading.
In Mathematics, Year 5 have been learning about multiplication and division. They have been focsuing on building their knowledge and recall of multiplcation facts through a variety of game and activities.
This week, the students worked with Mrs Innes and Mrs Rose to co-construct a writing Bump It Up wall. They spent time reading through sampes of writing to build and identify on the success criteria and then worked together to level each piece of writing. The next steps are to start to use the Bump It Up wall to give and receive feedback.
Year 6 have been continuing to work on using description to set the scene for their audience when writing. Last week, they used a stimulus picture to compose the beginning of their new text.
Achievement Awards
Oliver D - For always being ready to learn and do his best work. Well done Oliver.
Ned R - For his willingness to always do his best and persist with difficult tasks. Keep it up Ned.
Zarli B-P - For foccussed attention during writing tasks to produce successful compositions. Great work Zarli.
Finnan M-T - For his positive attitude to learning. Finnan you never give up trying to improve and do your best. Thankyou for all your hardwork.
Jacob P - For his focussed attention to learning and his enthusiasm to all aspects of school. Well done on your achievements so far, keep up the great work Jacob!
Madeleine F -For her commitment to learning and willingness to challenge herself to achieve new goals. Great work Madeleine
Hamish M - For displaying great expression during guided reading groups. Well done, Hamish.
Dominic R - For writing an amazing story about facing his fear. Well done, Dominic!
Felicity F - For always being ready to learn and try your best. You’re a Super Student Flic.
Isla L - For your fantastic attitude to learning and an amazing start to the year. Well done Isla.
Harlee C - For being a polite and responsible member of 2J, who is a role model to others.
Grace C - For your fantastic way of explaining your thinking when solving problems in maths. Well done!
Brody C -For having a wonderful attitiude towards learning. Keep up that fantastic focus.
Riley C - For demonstrating a positive attitude to all his school work. Keep it up.
Laini L - For her enthusiastic application to her science experiments using chocolate.
Violet M - For the quiet way she helps other children in need.
Luna N - For using expression when reading aloud her sizzling start to her sheep story.
Flynn W - For his on-task behaviour in all areas and for pushing himself to improve in all areas.
Hugh B - For fantastic growth in writing and an improvement in being a responsible learner.
Claire G -For aiming to be a 'Shooting Star' in writing and setting high expectations for herself.
Levi P - For always being a responsible learner and being the perfect role model regarding classroom expectations.
Rahni P - For fantastic growth in writing and using peer feedback to improve and edit her work.
Elle F - For her enthusiastic attitude towards all learning tasks and always being willing to give things a go! Well done, Elle.
Maverick J -For his settled approach to all learning tasks and not being afraid to ask for help when needed. Keep it up Maverick!
Marni C - For being proactive, seeing a need, doing a deed.
Jordan F - For perseverance during Maths, which lead to great success.
Davis M - For supporting fellow classmates in their learning.
Mckenzie N -For extending herself in maths and trying new challenges.
Lilliana R - For her thoughtful connections when analysing the Parable of the Sower.
Jake S - For his enthusiastic responses to any question posed in class discussions.
Brylee W - For her growth mindset in striving to improve her writing.
Sports News
Zone Swimming Particpation Awards were handed out last week. Congratulations to all our sudents who represented our school so proudly.
Richmond Zone Winter Sports Trials
Well Done to all of our Students who attended the Winter Sport Trials on Wednesday afternoon for Netball, Soccer, Rugby Union, and Rugby League.
Congratulations to the following Students who will now attend the Diocesian trials in Grafton on Friday the 12th of March.
Milani K
Cooper W, Mckenzie N, Myka M and Tiah M
Rugby Union
Jakob S
Rugby League
Tyler B and Sonny B
School News
School Photos
The School Photographer will be at school on Thursday, 25th March, 2021 to take our school photos.
Individual envelopes were sent home last week. All instructions for ordering are on the envelopes. If you require a sibling photo, please contact the office and we can arrange an envelope to be sent home with your eldest child.
Please have all envelopes back to the office by 19th March.
If you have any questions please contact Kim in the office.
Thank you
Road safety Information for Families
The entrance areas to schools are busy places in the morning and afternoon so be aware of road safety. If you are driving your child to school please follow our school's drop off and pick up procedures and Traffic Management Plan - this is for your child's safety and for the safety of all other children attending Our Lady Help of Christian’s.
Drop Off/ Pick Up Zone- Parents are asked to ensure their children safely cross Rhodes Street when dropping them off each morning. Parents are asked to park in designated areas on the Traffic Management Plan and not to obstruct the various driveways along Rhodes Street. ∙
Walking to school- Students must walk on the footpath along Rhodes Street. ∙
Cycling to School- No child will be allowed to cycle to and from school unless they wear an approved bicycle helmet. Students will walk their cycles within school grounds.
Bus Drop Off / Pick Up-∙ The designated Bus area is out of bounds for non-bus vehicles between the hours of 8.15 – 9.00am and 3.00 – 3.45pm.
40km School Zone
40km/h school zones help protect children on their way to and from schools at the times and places where they are often in high numbers. This lower speed limit reduces the risk and potential severity of a crash. School zone signs, dragon’s teeth road markings and flashing lights improve the visibility of school zones.
40km/h school zones are in force on all days which are not a weekend, a public holiday or a publicly notified school holiday for government schools and operate from 8 to 9.30am and from 2.30 to 4pm. School zone days include school development days, also known as student-free days, because some students may attend their school on these days. This applies to our school because of OSHC.
Traffic Management Plan
The below map outlines the details of Traffic Management at OLHC. 40km per hour School Zones are identified along with pick up/drop off and parent parking zones. As there are double lines on the road outside of the school, U-turns are not permitted. Please use the carpark to turn around.
Pupil free day at OSHC - 5th March
“Walk Draw Map”
On last week’s Pupil Free day we were very lucky to have two local well-known artists Rene Bolten and Claudie Frock come in to our space and work with the children on a variety of printmaking techniques. Our Lady Help of Christians Parish OSHC is now part of the “Walk Draw Map” Community art project which incorporates a number of schools and Community groups in collaborative drawing, printmaking and mapping. This project engages children to creatively interact and connect with the natural urban spaces surrounding them. The children were very engaged as they used found and made objects to print on pieces of calico, which was 10 meters in total length! There was plenty of opportunities for learning including the older children helping the younger children with their art. The children’s work will be a part of a larger tent structure that will be exhibited in Elevator Gallery in Lismore in July. This is an ongoing project and we will keep families informed of when the artists will be visiting again.
Thank you from Kate, Katie and team.
My New Gallery
Community News
Year 7 2022 Trinity and Woodlawn Open Night and School Tours Information